- Détails

Safety, efficiency, and sustainability. These are the guiding principles driving Parksmart, Canada’s first voluntary certification system created to “advance sustainable mobility through smarter parking structure design and operation.”
Launched in 2018 by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI), ParkSmart aims to champion parkade technologies, systems, and best practices that both minimize a property’s environmental footprint while bolstering efficiencies and reducing operational costs along the way.
- Détails

A decent generalization for “heritage” is a term used to suggest that something holds value because of its contribution to society, knowledge, or culture. It is critical to understand that the “something” heritage is describing does not need to be a physical object, such as an old building or artifact – it can be a cultural practice or an association with an important event or person.
- Détails

There are different terms, (carbon neutral, net zero, climate neutral, zero energy, etc.) that describe the ways in which emission sources are accounted for and help to indicate what the source is. In the building sector, the term net-zero is mostly used in conjunction with energy or carbon.