Canadian Property Management | September 2020
Lorena Polovina, BASc, EIT | Design Engineer
As climate change becomes a growing concern for cities around the world, opportunities for reducing carbon emissions have been widely embraced by the building sector. From office towers to condominiums, today’s structures are equipped with energy efficient systems designed to improve building performance and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Architectural Record Magazine | September 2020
In a commercial market, you don’t usually think a developer of a spec office building will value design quality over the most expedient solution. But it can happen. In thecase of a 10-story high-rise in Edmonton, Alberta, Gene Dub, principal of Dub Architects, owns thedevelopment company—Five Oaks—that constructed it in accord with his firm’s design.

Daily Commercial News by ConstructConnect | September 2020
Nathan Bissell, BEng, P.Eng. | Project Engineer
National and provincial building codes do not include clauses dealing withorangutan climbing poles which highlights one of the many design andplanning complexities of a new $9.9 million orangutan exhibit at the Toronto Zoo.

Canadian Healthcare Facilities | Summer 2020
Jennifer Watson, MBA, P.Eng. | Associate
With COVID-19 now impacting every aspect of our healthcare systems, hospitals around the world are radically changing to meet the demands of future pandemics. From how to manage the sudden swell of patients arriving due to seasonally recurring viruses to which materials and cleaning processes work best to mitigate the spread of disease, everything from floor tiles to waiting rooms are being re-evaluated.

Canadian Property Management | July 2020
Terry Bergen, CTech, CCCA, LEED® AP | Managing Principal
The benefits of investing in deep energy retrofits have been touted by building experts for years. Yet still, here we are heading into the second half of 2020 and not everyone has been quick on the uptake. Adding to the slowdown, Canada is in the midst of emerging from a deadly health crisis—the economic consequences of which will be felt for years to come.