INDUSTRY INSIGHTS, Canadian Property Management | September 2018
Bob Korneluk, BSc, P.Eng. | Associate
How well do you know your air vapour barrier? It’s an odd question (especially with everything else on a property manager/owner’s plate) and yet considerations for your building’s air vapour barrier performance today can prevent significant headaches down the road.

Western Exteriors | Summer 2018
Nick Trovato, BSc, MEng, P.Eng., FEC, FGC(Hon) | Managing Principal
It is the calm before the storm for Alberta builders. In spite of some significant construction in and around Edmonton’s ICE District, the last year has generally been regarded as slower for business than in years past. But with oil trending upwards and the number of announced construction projects currently in the design phase...

Award Magazine | August 2018
The University of British Columbia’s (UBC) focus on life sciences has helped B.C. become a leading centre for world-class research and teaching in this sector, so it’s unsurprising that the University has persistently lobbied for – and received – funding to upgrade its facilities, one example being the 2011 renewal of the south and west wings of its Bioscience Complex.

Award Magazine | August 2018
Undeniably, the Conklin Multiplex project has faced more than its fair share of challenges since 2012 – from unexpected site conditions to devastating wildfires that delayed construction and threatened the continuation of this multi-use facility. But it’s also undeniable that thanks to the perseverance of its owners and a strong alliance of architects, builders, and other trades, that the facility (as of July 2018) is almost complete.

Award Magazine | August 2018
Canada Lands Company Limited retaining Cumulus Architects Inc.and PCL Constructors Canada Inc. to perform an upgrade 1,136 feet above Toronto’s downtown core. The $16-million undertaking, split into two phases, first saw the replacement of two out of 12 column bays in the LookOut level with new floorto-ceiling glazing and demolition of the Horizons restaurant.

Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine | August 2018
Daryl Prefontaine, BSc, MEng, P.Eng. | Principal
Harsh environmental conditions inside wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) can cause significant deterioration and damage to the reinforced concrete structures. In most municipalities and jurisdictions, the reality is that the existing sewer pipe network flows to only one location. There are no alternative sewage transport or treatment infrastructures available as a secondary backup in the event of the collapse or ...

INDUSTRY INSIGHTS, CondoBusiness | August 2018
Jeremy Horst, CET, LEED® AP | Principal
Given the costs and construction logistics, a podium deck project can be intimidating. With the right team and a strategic approach, however, work on this critical asset can yield lasting benefits. “Podium deck jobs add significant value to the property,” says Jeremy Horst, Principal, Building Science and Restoration, with RJC Engineers (RJC). “You’re not only improving your waterproofing system, which saves money and headaches later on, but these projects are an opportunity to enhance your curb appeal, which benefits residents and building owners.”

Award Magazine | June 2018
Terry Bergen, CTech, CCCA, LEED® AP | Managing Principal
Over the past year there have been dramatic changes within the sector, influenced largely by Canada’s commitment to a carbon-free economy as a result of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, whose approach includes considerations for making new buildings more energy efficient; retrofitting existing buildings; and supporting building codes and energy efficient housing in Indigenous communities.

INDUSTRY INSIGHTS, Canadian Facility Management & Design | June 2018
Daryl Prefontaine, BSc, MEng, P.Eng. | Principal
Parkade installations bring innovative solutions to community issue. A steel forest encircling the roof of the Edmonton City Centre East (ECCE) parking garage and a central column of cables spiraling upward in an intricate pattern are features that serve to add interest and beautify an otherwise average parking structure. Yet, while parkers and passersby might assume these features are merely artistic in nature, their true purpose is far more important.

Construction Canada | June 2018
James Cooper, P.Eng., LEED AP O+M | Associate
Owners, engineers, and contractors involved in the design operation, maintenance, and restoration of parking garages and building podium decks need to understand the role and importance of waterproofing systems in protecting these facilities.
When there is a lack of proper attention to these systems, repair and maintenance costs increase and anticipated service lives suffer.