Analysis of Field-Measured Reversible Deformations in Masonry Cavity Walls

TMS Journal | December 2015
Nick Trovato BSc, MEng, P.Eng., FEC, FGC(Hon) | Managing Principal
Guidelines currently used by designers to estimate the unrestrained vertical deformations of masonry are based on laboratory observations of individual units (MSJC (2011), NRC (2010), ASTM (2010), BIA (2006), CEN (2005), NCMA (2005), CSA (2004)). However, research has shown that the effects of the mortar joints on the overall deformation of masonry walls are significant (Jessop (1980)). The presence of mortar joints should not be ignored when analyzing a masonry assemblage, particularly where the behavior of the units is dissimilar to the behavior of the mortar.