BC Embodied Carbon Awards Recognize Excellence in Climate-Friendly Building Design

Canadian Architect | July 5, 2024
These awards recognize those working to reduce embodied carbon pollution in B.C.
Members of British Columbia’s zero-carbon buildings community recently came together to recognize six individuals, projects, and organizations for their leadership in reducing embodied carbon pollution in the province.
Embodied carbon emissions are produced during the production and transportation of building materials, including steel, concrete, insulation, and glass, during construction and when a building is demolished.
Through its Carbon Leadership Forum British Columbia (CLF British Columbia) program, the Zero Emissions Innovation Centre hosted the second annual BC Embodied Carbon Awards in Vancouver on April 18, 2024. The awards aim to showcase and celebrate leadership and inspire others to reduce embodied carbon in their projects.
The BC Embodied Carbon Awards were made possible through program funding from the Zero Emissions Innovation Centre and City of Vancouver and event sponsors RJC Engineers (Gold), Perkins & Will, hcma, Third Space, and CLF Toronto (Silver), and reLoad Sustainable Design, Carbon Wise, and Equilibrium (Bronze).
The judges for each of the six categories, which are all members of the CLF British Columbia Volunteer Group, handed out the awards at the Ventura Room in Vancouver.
The winners include the following.
Organizational Commitment to Change: ZGF Architects
This award recognizes a company or organization that has shown exemplary leadership in reducing embodied carbon in British Columbia’s built environment.
Public Sector Leadership: University of British Columbia
This award recognizes a British Columbia-based local government, public sector organization, or non-profit organization that has demonstrated exemplary leadership in reducing embodied carbon in British Columbia’s built environment.
Large Buildings: North Island College Student Housing, HDR Architecture
This award recognizes a large new development or a substantial renovation of a large building that demonstrates excellence in low-embodied-carbon design and construction . The relevant local government or permitting authority must classify the recognized building(s) under Part 3 of the building code.