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RJC Ingénierie (RJC), une firme de conseil en ingénierie de premier plan, a le plaisir d’annoncer que son bureau de Montréal déménage dans de nouveaux locaux ultramodernes. Cette décision est prise dans le cadre de l’engagement continu de RJC à offrir des services exceptionnels à ses clients et à soutenir sa croissance constante à Montréal.
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RJC Engineers (RJC) is proud to announce its further commitment to sustainability by becoming a signatory of SE2050 – the Structural Engineers 2050 Commitment Program. The program provides an accessible sustainability program for individual structural engineers and structural engineering firms, with an accountable commitment strategy of active engagement on projects and sharing of information to achieve zero net carbon structures by 2050.
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RJC Engineers (RJC) has recently moved to a new office in Nanaimo. The new office, located at 238 Franklyn Street - Unit 105, is a two-storey corner unit with a mezzanine at the back that allows for open and collaborative workstations with lots of natural light. The space and location will enable RJC to serve its clients better and accommodate its growing team.