- Détails

Exciting things are happening for our Lethbridge team who have moved to a new office space. As of August 1st, 2017, we welcome you to visit us at the Lethbridge Centre at 202 - 400 4th Avenue South. We are excited to expand our space to continue to focus on our promise of delivering Creative Thinking, Practical Results.
- Détails

Effective May 1st, 4D Engineering began an integration with our Kelowna office. Paul Heinrichs joins RJC Engineers after more than 20 years as the Managing Principal and Senior Engineer of 4D Engineering; a structural consulting firm located in Kelowna, BC. Paul’s primary areas of expertise include the design of concrete tilt-up buildings for light industrial and warehouse facilities, low-rise wood frame multifamily buildings, as well as retail and office building projects.