Doug Little named Calgary Structural Managing Principal
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RJC is pleased to announce Doug Little as our RJC Calgary Structural Managing Principal. John Harder remains Managing Principal for Calgary’s Building Science and Restoration team.
Doug has contributed to RJC’s growth for almost twenty years. He is responsible for leading RJC’s structural design of the impressive $1.3 billion dollar International Facilities Project at Calgary International Airport. Doug’s strong leadership on this project and his relationships with those involved have led RJC to be appointed to numerous other projects at the airport, including the new Connectivity Program, the new baggage handling systems, and continued services through our standing offer agreement.
He has also been instrumental in RJC’s success on a number of healthcare projects, particularly those with specialized radiation therapy treatment facilities, such as the Central Alberta Cancer Centre. Doug’s impressive portfolio of work also includes education, post-secondary, industrial, recreation, commercial and parkade projects across southern Alberta.
Doug is a graduate of Queen's University. He joined RJC in 1996 and furthered his education by completing a certificate in project management. In recognition of his strong relationships with clients and his leadership abilities, Doug was invited to become an Associate with the firm in 2006, a Principal in 2012, and a member of RJC’s Executive Committee in 2014.