Jack Tennant Memorial Bridge Opens
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The award-winning Jack Tennant Memorial Bridge opened to traffic on October 15th. A grand opening celebration featured speeches, ribbon cutting and light and fireworks show. The bridge deserves celebration; it is a critical connector for residents and is the largest capital project in the Town of Cochrane’s 139-year history.
“The Jack Tennant Memorial Bridge and connecting roadways deliver on Council’s commitment to take traffic off the highways and is one more step to alleviating traffic congestion in our community,” said Cochrane Mayor Jeff Genung. “This $53 million bridge and roadway was delivered on time and on budget, funded from off-site levies and provincial MSI grants. Best of all, it honours a Cochranite who dedicated his life to building bridges between people and communities.”
RJC was the bridge engineer, working closely with Prime Consultant Urban Systems Ltd. Systems and contractor PCL Construction for this history-making infrastructure project.
The bridge has a three-span arrangement with a total length of ~160m. Innovative design features include semi-integral abutments, stainless steel deck reinforcement and geogrid stabilized approaches.