RJC volunteers at The Sonshine Centre
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A group of eight volunteers from the RJC Calgary office recently spent three consecutive days cleaning, painting and outfitting a 2-bedroom suite at The Sonshine Centre. The centre provides second-stage shelter spaces for women and children fleeing domestic violence. This secure facility is located in a quiet neighbourhood, has easy access to schools, transit, and community programs.
The essential 24-unit facility offers a vast array of services to residents including:
- Full year residential program
- Quality, safe and low-cost housing
- Individual counselling
- Individual goal setting and mentoring
- Life-skills groups
- Art and fitness group activities
- Parenting education
- On-site child care
- Counselling and play therapy for children
- Access to resources such as healthcare, addictions services, peer support and legal support
- ESL and language translation services as needed
- Practical support such as help navigating government support services, grocery runs, etc.
- Six months of follow-up counselling and support to safely transition back into the community after they leave Sonshine
When we heard the on-site pantries available to all residents were running low, RJC stepped up our efforts with a non-perishable food drive. In the end, not only were we able to fully re-stock the pantries, finding a place to put all the extras is now the challenge!
RJC is proud to sponsor a suite and to continue to aid in assisting women and children in need through this worthy program.